HSPT Scoring and Score Reports
Posted in HSPT Tutoring, Standardized Testing - 0 Comments
.The scoring and score reports for standardized testing can sometimes be confusing. Here is a guide for scoring for the HSPT.
Closed HSPT/Pre-HSPT Standard Scoring Service and Sample Reports
HSPT® Interpretive Manual (download): The Interpretive manual is a guide to understanding HSPT scores and drawing conclusions about student performance.
Rank-Order List Reports: arrange students from high to low based on their composite scores (two copies).
Pressure-Sensitive Labels: show each student’s cognitive skills quotient (CSQ), standard scores, national and local percentiles, as well as grade equivalents for basic skills subtests—reading, mathematics, and language (one per student).
Group Summary Statistical Reports: summarize overall group performance on all subtests and overall group performance on each subtest (two copies).
Alphabetical List Reports: organize students in alphabetical order and provide cognitive skills quotients (CSQs), standard scores, national and local percentiles, as well as their grade equivalents for the basic skills subtests—reading, mathematics, and language (two copies).
National Percentile Group Summary Results: A feature of Closed HSPT® Standard Scoring Service, it allows schools to look at three different subpopulations of their testing groups and compare their performance to the national averages of up to nine different scores. A horizontal line indicates where the performance of a testing group would match the national average (one copy).
Closed HSPT/Pre-HSPT Additional Reports
Performance Profiles: individual diagnostic profiles. They are generated for each student and report his or her scores, identify corresponding national and local norms, and give information about performance on skills within each subtest (two copies). (See below). The Performance Profile Group Summary is included at no additional cost.
Student Score Reports: a one-page report provided for an individual student and his/her parents or guardian. This report provides a graphic representation of the student’s “National Percentile Rank” for each subskill taken, total basic skills, and composite. In addition, the report provides a detailed explanation for “What the Test Measures” and “What the Score for Each Test Means.” (one copy).
Individual Item Analysis Reports: show item responses for each student listed alphabetically. Items are grouped by objective and responses are designated by a “+” sign or the letter of the incorrect response. Individual Item Analysis Reports are available only for basic skills subtests (two copies).
Group Item Analysis Reports: provide local and national p-values for each item grouped by objective. These reports show the group’s mastery percentage for each objective. Group Item Analysis Reports are available only for basic skills subtests—reading, mathematics, and language (two copies).
Two Group Summary: This one-page report allows you to look at two different populations of your testing group and compare the median performance of one group to the other. The school must identify the two populations/groups to compare.
Alternate Score Rank-Order List: presents results from high to low based on students’ subtest scores rather than on their composite scores (two copies).
Student Address Services: notification forms for mailing scores to students’ homes, address lists, and/or pressure-sensitive address labels. Schools must record student information on a special four-page answer sheet in order to receive one or more of these services-.
Alternate Group Reports: Alphabetical and Rank-Order List Reports for alternate groups identified on student answer sheets. They provide the same information as standard Alphabetical and Rank-Order List Reports (two copies).
Alternate Group Summary Statistical Reports: provide standard group summary information for alternate groups identified on student answer sheets (two copies).
For more information, please click here. To learn more about our HSPT services, please click here.