SAT Test Prep

Junior Year of HS is When College Prep, From Essays to SATs, Needs to Start

Junior year is the most important year for students applying to college, and grades, sports, and extracurriculars are not the only element of focus. Students need to begin SAT and/or ACT test prep, and begin working on their admission essays. As the following article states, beginning test prep and admission essay writing early is the best way to ensure top results and admission to your child’s school of choice. Make applying for college a marathon,…

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SAT and ISEE Test Prep Allow Your Child’s Strengths to Shine

Private schools and colleges rely on standardized tests to give them an objective view into how your child will be able to perform academically at their establishment. Unfortunately, this is not always an accurate portrayal of your child’s strengths, as test-taking anxiety can get in the way. ISEE and SAT test preparation, as the following article describes, prepare your child to know what to expect on the test so that he or she can perform…

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PSAT Test Prep Leads to Top Scores, More Financial Aid, Better Scholarships

Scoring as high as possible on the PSAT test sets your child up for more scholarships, including the highly revered National Merit Scholarship. Preparing for the PSAT is the first step for success on the SAT test, which leads to a greater chance of attending a top-notch school. As the following article states, begin PSAT test prep early to reap the maximum benefits and put your child on the path to success. Extra scholarship dollars…

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Private Tutoring Gives Every Student an Academic Boost

Every student falls behind in their studies at some point in their schooling, either because they are having trouble with a particular subject area or because they lack the organization and study skills necessary to excel. Bringing in a private tutor, even for a short time, can make a drastic difference in how students are able to then proceed through the rest of their schooling, with the skills and confidence to overcome their setbacks. As…

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One-on-One Tutoring is Best Way to Excel at Standardized Tests

Many parents have heard of the big testing companies, who hire a college student and put them in front of a group of struggling students and hope that each child will benefit from the class without any personal attention. Students are afraid to look stupid in a group and often do not ask questions, so no one is there to help them target their specific weaknesses and improve their test-taking strategies on an individual basis.…

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Practice Makes Perfect on the SAT Test

Every student knows that the SAT test will be a very challenging assessment of his or her ability to handle timed, standardized questions in a stressful environment. The best way to be prepared for this experience is to work with a private tutor so that you know exactly what to expect. As the following article describes, SAT test prep involves learning the test-taking strategies you need in order to succeed. Not Just Another Test: How…

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SAT Test Scores are Your Child’s Opportunity to Impress the Colleges

Whether your high schooler has worked hard to earn good grades each year, or has not received the grades you had hoped for, the SAT test comes in as an objective assessment tool. Colleges value SAT scores very highly, and the best way to achieve the highest possible scores is to work with a private tutor in order to learn the test-taking strategies. As the following article describes, if your child can work hard on…

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Start Standardized Test Prep over the Summer for Best Results

Every parent should take advantage of the opportunity that the summer affords us to begin standardized test preparation. Whether your child will be taking the SSAT or ISEE tests in the fall and winter or the SAT or ACT tests in the fall, it is best to begin studying now, before their schedules go into overdrive once school starts again. As the following article describes, rather than trying to cram in all the skills in…

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Private SAT Test Prep Prepares Students the Best

Every parent knows that on top of homework, sports, after-school jobs, and extracurricular activities, the last thing a high school student wants to sit down to do is prepare for the SAT test. Counting on your child to take SAT test prep into his or her own hands is a recipe for disaster. As the following article states, it is important to employ a private SAT tutor in order to provide the discipline necessary to…

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Set Aside the Time for SAT Test Prep

SAT test prep just does not work when approached sporadically, as a task that one will take on once one finally has some free time. SAT test prep must be made a priority in a student’s schedule, and must be conducted at regular intervals if any progress is to be made. As the following article describes, SAT test prep with a private tutor will provide students with the structure and discipline they need to tackle…

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