SAT Test Prep for March, May and June Tests is Underway–Don’t be left Behind

SAT test dates are coming up soon, and you do not want your teen to be unprepared for this test. There is much to do when it comes to SAT test preparation, and working with a private tutor as early as possible will give your child the most benefit. As the following article states, begin preparing now for the SAT tests.

SAT registration time for March test

SAT registration is underway for the next test happening in March. SATs are a big deal. They can determine where your college-bound child goes to school. They may also help determine how much it will cost your child for school. Colleges often use the SATs a predictor for college success. So, it’s a good idea to be prepared. Many students are not as prepared as they need to be for the SATs, and test-takers should start getting ready for the exam way before test day. “I think students should start thinking about college as early as ninth grade because the courses in which they enroll in the ninth and tenth grades will determine whether or not they’re able to take advanced placement courses in the tenth and eleventh grades,” Montoya said. “And, again, the best practice and preparation for the SAT is really driven by the courses students are taking.” Colleges use the SATs, among other things, in the admissions process because it helps to determine a national and regional benchmark for potential students.