Begin SAT/ACT Test Prep Now So Your Teen Can Take the Tests More than Once

The SAT and ACT tests deserve ample preparation, and since most students perform better on the test if they have a chance to take it multiple times, it is best to begin preparation now. Working with a private tutor will allow your teen to work through the test-taking strategies and have time to apply these on real tests. As the following article states, beginning early and taking the time to prepare and take multiple tests will yield the highest SAT/ACT score.

Help Your Teens Prepare for College

Band, sports, church, projects, essays, algebra, report cards, school dances, driving lessons, hormones and dating—who has time to think about college for their teens? Waiting until senior year of high school to get started with ACT’s, SAT’s, scholarships and college admission can cause your child to miss out on many available opportunities. It is a good idea for your child to take both the ACT and SAT tests several times. Some students test better with one version versus the other. Practice tests are helpful but your child may find it advantageous to take the actual test more than once. Anxiety or other factors such as testing in a different environment can directly affect the score of your child. In many cases, scores jump dramatically when testing for the second or third time.