Prepare for the SAT Test Like It’s Your Job

Every student knows that the SAT test will be a very challenging assessment of his or her ability to handle timed, standardized questions in a stressful environment. The best way to be prepared for this experience is to work with a private tutor so that you know exactly what to expect. As the following article describes, SAT test prep involves learning the test-taking strategies you need in order to succeed.

Expert Tips on How to Prepare for SAT/ACT Tests, Part 1: The Environment

In my 20+ year career in test preparation, I’ve been asked at least 1000 times “what would you tell a child getting ready for the SAT or ACT?” My response is universally the same: “Prepare.” This test is no different from any other in that preparation results in better scores. That being said, how one prepares for the SAT/ACT is very different than how one prepares for a test in school, so to help you out I’m going to give a bit more clarity to the truism “prepare.” These tests are generally longer and formatted more weirdly than tests you encounter in school so you should do some additional research. You have to know how it’s formatted, how it’s scored, and how it’s administered so that you can turn all of that into a strategy to help you do better. The more you know, the more prepared you are and the easier the test will be.