Take the SAT and ACT Tests Multiple Times to Increase Test Score

SAT and ACT scores improve when you practice regularly, and trying both tests to see which fits your testing abilities best is always a good idea. You can take each admission test several times to see the most improvement, and it is recommended that you work with a SAT/ACT tutor to make the most advancement and get the highest score. As the following article states, SAT and ACT scores increase the most when taking multiple tests and preparing carefully.

An Hour Q&A with Kat Cohen on college admissions

What roles do tests such as the SATs play and is it best to take them multiple times?
I encourage students to take a practice SAT and a practice ACT under realistic testing conditions, score both tests, compare initial scores, and then prepare for only one of the two tests. Students should continue taking practice exams throughout their standardized test preparation, aiming for approximately eight to ten practice tests before the actual exam. There are test-prep options available for all budgets: students can work one-on-one with a private tutor, take a test-prep course in person or online, or buy a practice test book. Students should prepare for their standardized tests and only sit for an exam when they feel ready. While students can take the tests multiple times, scores tend to plateau after the third time and further attempts may look desperate to an admissions committee.